Here’s what some of our past staff and guests have said about their A Bar A staff experience:
“If there were ever one place, one community, that was a representation of the phrase ‘the world is your oyster,’ A Bar A would be it. From meeting my current boss, to being in a ranch friend’s wedding, I came to the ranch with a suitcase too full and left with a heart overflowing.” Julia Jane Duggan, Account Coordinator – Sprouthouse Agency (Cabin Host 2018 & Floater 2019)
“Working at A Bar A is the best and easiest decision you should ever make. No matter what job you hold at the ranch, the benefits of spending a summer at A Bar A will pay dividends personally and professionally for decades to come. I met my wife at A Bar A, I forged lifelong friendships with people I would have never met otherwise, and I can’t count the times that I have been in professional settings far removed from Wyoming where I find common threads with people who have visited, worked, or who have heard of A Bar A. You do not need another internship, you need a summer in the sagebrush.” Mac Stone, Photographer – Mac Stone Photography (Teen Coordinator 2008 & 2009)
“My years at the A Bar A exposed me to many different potential career paths and allowed me to develop relationships with people I’ve bumped into personally and professionally, and called on for advice, ever since. Some of my most pivotal growth moments in my career, from sourcing my first job out of college to entering my current profession over 20 years ago, came from connections I made at A Bar A. Keep your ears open and your mind engaged when you’re on the Ranch, and maybe take a note or two on who you meet… whatever little notebook you use might serve you pretty well over time…” Cheairs Porter, Managing Director and Co-Head of Healthcare & Life Sciences – Harris Williams & Co. (Ranch Hand 1993, Fishing Guide 1994 & 1995)
“While working at the A Bar A for two summers my personal skills and communication skills matured in a way that never would have happened in a classroom or sitting behind a desk in an office. I learned how to read and connect with people and respond appropriately in different situations. When it came time to start interviewing for positions that would ultimately lead to the start of my career in commercial real estate brokerage, those skills set me apart from other candidates. Fourteen years into my career, I rely on those communication skills every single day.” Matt Anderson, Executive Vice President, Principle – Colliers International (Hazer 2004 & Fishing Guide 2005)
“I found lots of value in working in a kitchen and being a part of a group taking pride in their work. I found it very fulfilling to work very closely alongside people going through the same learning curve as me. A specific aspect of the teamwork ability that gets developed in kitchens is the communication skills of everybody involved, which is an applicable skill almost anywhere. The final skill I really appreciated from working in the kitchen is learning the ability to multitask- I think it’s a great exercise in recall and working quickly on multiple objectives at once that can be easily translated into being productive in almost any workspace.” Noah Hopkins (Cook 2019)
“While summers on staff at the A Bar A provided me with a plethora of genuine friendships and relationships that have carried over, and will carry over, for a lifetime; there is no doubt these same summers prepared me for my future career. From cultivating and strengthening interpersonal skills, time management, flexibility and creativity, and recognizing the importance of a job that is enjoyable and meaningful-these experiences were dynamic and invaluable. The raw beauty, inspiration, and positivity of the A Bar A environment planted a seed that encouraged me to seek, and in some cases create, other work opportunities that have sparked this same joy.” Frances Glenn Farmer, Pediatric Occupational Therapist – Spot On Therapy Group (Wrangler 2006, 2007 & 2008)
“The most memorable experience was the ‘get it done’ attitude – I use it quite often in my current job.” Coleen Fitzpatrick, Project Manager – Oracle Americas, Inc. (Wrangler 2017)
“It really is the natural beauty that comes to mind first when I think about the ranch. It fills me up and helps me feel restored every year. The river, the mountains, the plants, the animals, the smells, the sounds… I love it ALL.” Lacy Baldwin Noble, Owner – Smidge Handmade LLC. (Fishing Guide 2002 & 2005)
“Guiding at A Bar A was an invaluable work experience for me. Yes, I learned a great deal about trout and rivers, but I also learned how to work with others and how a successful company operates. I learned the importance of personal connections with colleagues and with those you are serving. I was trusted by the management to respond to various issues as they came up. The confidence gained from that has stayed with me, allowing me to approach work problems with more poise.” Henry Clark, Teacher/Coach – Tandem Friends School in Charlottesville, VA (Fishing Guide 2012, 2013 & 2014)
“My summer spent at A Bar A helped me grow both personally and professionally. Prior to this summer I had never experienced the beauty and simplicity of living out west. The isolation and safety A Bar A provided me made me reflect on who I am as a person and who I wanted to become over the course of the summer.” Madeline Turner (Cabin Host 2019)
“The simplicity, unplugged ranch. Being present and surrounded by great people who challenge me to be a better version of myself and enjoy all that the ranch has to offer. The people, the place, absolutely heaven on earth.” Elizabeth Pyron (Waitstaff 2017, Children’s Counselor 2018 & 2019)
“The community aspect of A Bar A is very unique and special. A Bar A is a rare place to find such a positive and cheerful community in a breathtaking environment. I made relationships last summer that will last me a lifetime.” Duffy Beal (Children’s Counselor 2019)
“I’ve gained so much from this summer that will doubtless help me in the future. From lessons learned in Monday morning staff meetings to serving guests and watching those around me work, I’ve gained valuable skills. The spirit of A Bar A is one of community that encourages generosity of self, and I’ve made some amazing friends along the way.” E.W. (staff member)
“Working at the A Bar A was the perfect bridge between college and career for me. I was able to move out West and experience living in this beautiful landscape without having to commit to finding a rental, since the ranch provides housing. Everything is taken care of for us and we are able to live in this amazing community while working, practicing professional skills, networking, making the best friends, and learning so much about ourselves in the process!” E.H. (staff member)
“Had we not seen the A Bar A in person, we would never have known of the pure beauty and goodness that surrounds our daughter. You have been the ideal role models and mentors for these young people, having chosen the best of the best to spend a summer made of good memories and future hopes.” P.M. (a staff parent who visited)
“I really wanted to thank you for such a wonderful summer. In fact, I wanted to thank you for the best summer of my life to date. I love this place and can’t imagine this being the last time I lay eyes on it.” D.S. (staff member)
“Thank you so much for providing a place for me to spend a beautiful summer. I appreciate everything you teach us, encourage us to do, and let us discover on our own here. Thank you for the opportunity for me to grow personally and to enjoy the beautiful place of Wyoming. I thoroughly enjoyed my summer.” K.R. (staff member)
“I wanted to thank you for having Bill [another former staff member] and me back to visit for a couple of days at the ranch. While driving into the ranch we were aware that nostalgia might be overwhelming, and it was. The pure beauty of the ranch and the time we spent with friends along the North Platte invoked feelings we had not had since leaving Wyoming last October. The enduring sacredness of the ranch, the people, the memories will always be vivid in my mind. It is difficult to give an encompassing description of the ‘Ranch Experience’ to my friends here in San Francisco, but it is clear to me. I returned home after each summer, and again this week with such a healthy introspective of my life. Once again, I say thank you, and how proud I am to be part of something so special”. N.H. (staff member)
“Thanks so much for the opportunity to work at the A Bar A last summer. I hope I maintain those friends and memories and skills that were a part of my experience an experience that has, obviously, changed my life. I miss the shooting stars, and the horses, and the clean air. But as much as I miss it, I find that I appreciate things at home even more. Somehow, the sunsets in South Carolina have become more beautiful since I returned, even though they don’t compare to the daily phenomena I experienced in Wyoming.” (staff member)
“I want to thank you for everything you have given me over the past two summers. Working at the ranch proved to be a very rewarding and fulfilling experience. I learned so much about people, taking risks, challenging myself, and appreciating time, personal space, and nature…the list goes on and on. I feel I have grown a great deal under your guidance and encouragement. The people I have met during my two summers at the A Bar A hold a very special place in my heart. To share such a unique experience together creates a strong bond between us. Thank you for believing in me.” N.C. (staff member)
“…the friendships I have made will never be forgotten and the times I spent with those friends will never leave me…It’s all about what you put into the experience and I felt as though I grew a lot as a person. Thanks for the rewards and benefits I gained at the A Bar A. They will never be forgotten. Life is like a book. There are changes all the time and each change represents a chapter. I like to think that this chapter will be one of my favorites.” J.S. (two year staff member whose sister also was a two year staff member)
“I can not thank you enough for the past four months. I can not begin to explain how much I’ve learned…it has been magical and inspiring.” S.B. (first year staff member who came many years as a guest)
“Things at the ranch are still going great. We work long hours, but our free time is amazing. Since we’re already here there is no commute and as soon as we’re off work we’re free to do whatever. I’ve been riding about four times a week and I either hike or walk every day. I’m having one of the best summers of my life. If you can believe it, it’s even better being on staff than being a guest. I get to be here all summer long. This place has always been special to me. It is so beautiful the mountains and the air and the wide openness of everything. I feel so free and away from everything no stress, no hype, just peace.” A.K. (from a letter home from a first year staff member who started coming as a guest as a small child)
“I found at the Ranch more than I could have ever expected. I was so nervous before I actually got to the Ranch, but the minute that I arrived, I felt completely at home. [Our team leader] made us want to work hard for her and taught us the importance of working together as a team. We learned so much here this summer, not only about the job, but about life and love as well. Thanks again for a wonderful experience and a great summer.” A.D. (staff member)